Lost in Lombardy

Inspired by a True Story

He shattered her dreams. But not her spirit.

A coming-of-age novel about a heartbroken New Yorker who embarks on a satirical summer road trip through the gorgeous hills of Italy with an anti-American countess and learns to turn her wounds into wisdom.

Praise for Lost in Lombardy

“What an incredible story! This is such a funny book … some of the scenes had me genuinely laughing imagining them play out … a polished and well-crafted novel.”

Editor, Penguin Random House

“Every now and then you finish a novel that is so well crafted and so vividly written you can’t wait to recommend it to others. And then as weeks go by, you can’t stop thinking about the book, and you realize that you not only liked it, but you thought it belonged in the special pile reserved for your favorite authors. Lost in Lombardy by Lorna Neligan is just that book.”  

Gerri Lewis, author of The Last Word